Saturday 8 February 2014

Beauty Tips for Winter Weather: Dry Hair & Split Ends

ALRIGHT! I've really got to get on with this post, I've been procrastinating forever, but I'm super busy right now, so it's going to be a quick one! Here are my tips on how to deal with dry hair and split ends. FUN FACT: I have loads of experience with both of these because a) I live in Canada. The northern part. b) I work in a pool, not AT a pool, IN one. Agh. 
Here it goees! For DRY HAIR try these tips!
  1. Don't wash your hair every night... or even every other night. If your hair gets as dry as mine, it will be able to go a couple nights without being washed. I wash my hair 3 nights a week, I KNOW it sounds gross but it works, I promise. I still shower every night, but I make sure to put my hair up before I get in, that's all. 
  2. DRY SHAMPOO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND!  Okay, so your hair gets greasy and gross if you don't wash it every night? NOT an excuse! Dry shampoo is super cheap and it's an absolute lifesaver, I picked mine up for $12 CAD from Chatters on Boxing Day, it's a spray in bottle that I put in every morning that I haven't showered the night before and it makes my hair look normal AND smell flowery, which is perfect because let's be real, if you don't wash your hair, it starts to stink. So when you go to pick up your own dry shampoo try to find one with a scent, and a spray on one because I find it's a LOT easier to apply!
That's basically it for dry hair, as long as you do this your hair shouldn't be neaaaaarly as dry and you shouldn't need to do anything else!
For SPLIT ENDS it's a bit trickier... but I've found that these tips work:
  1. Apply a heat resister before applying any kind of heat, including blow drying! You can get these fairly cheap at the drugstore but like anything, the more expensive the better. CHI works super duper well for me! 
  2. If you're straightening, blow drying or curling your hair every day, you're doing it all wrong. GIRL GET YO ASS ON PINTEREST! There are TONS of DIYs on there that are HEAT FREE! I know that like 75% do NOT look how they do in the pictures, but log on and try some when you have some time off and you'll find a couple that you can do pretty well, these are lifesavers. (There's a super easy one for a heat free curl that I'll post about later!) If you insist upon having straightener or curled hair every day, do what I mentioned in the first section and don't shower every night, use dry shampoo so that you don't have to re-apply the heat every day.
  3. MOROCCAN OIL!!!!!!!!! This. Is. The. Shit. Okay, so I don't actually own any myself, but my sister has it and it works magic, I swear by it. It isn't a straight up hair treatment it's just a jar off stuff that you put in 15 minutes pre-shower, and then a bottle of stuff you put in post-shower. The stuff you put in post shower I always just put on my ends. It makes your hair mega soft AND smells nice, which is a plus. The brand name is literally just "moroccan argan oil", and this hair treatment has become a must nowadays so I'm sure you can find one at your local drugstore for fairly cheap!
  4. TRIM YOUR SPLIT ENDS! Okay, I know if you go to the hair dresser and ask them to trim your split ends, they cut like a whole inch off and you end up crying because all the hard work you did to grow it out has disappeared, BUT! All you have to do, is every time you see your split ends coming in, trim them right away. Don't wait for them to get worse, and cut them yourself! When you go in for your next cut, your hair dresser will even out your hair but WILL NOT have to cut inches off because of split ends! It's a no brainer. 
  5. SHOWER RIGHT. When you shampoo, only shampoo the roots, when you condition, only condition the ends. Fights split ends and greasy hair simultaneously. 
  6. BRUSH. YOUR. HAIR. Oh my goodness, this is my ultimate pet peeve. If you complain about having dry hair and split ends but you're too lazy to even brush your hair every day, then I cannot help you. Leave now. Not brushing your hair is the laziest thing, I know some days that bed head can look kinda cute (it's like a weird thing that we all think some mornings? No? That's just me? Awkward..) BUT WE ALL KNOW that in an hour's time it'll look like serious bed head, so just brush it, it's not worth the hour of sexy bed head. Brushing your hair brings all the oils from your scalp down to the ends of your hair, if you don't brush your hair, there is a 100% chance you have dry ends and greasy roots. Sorry not sorry. *PLEASE NOTE THAT CURLY HAIRED PEOPLE ARE TO DISREGARD THIS TIP, Y'ALL ARE A WHOLE OTHER STORY*
Okay so that's all I've got for now! I'll update again when I get home so I can post links and brand names and such! Thanks for reading lovies, hope this helps! Comment if you tried anything and if it helped! 

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